Resources associated with paper:


First we install remake.

devtools::install_github("richfitz/remake", dependencies=TRUE)

We also need to install storr.

devtools::install_github("richfitz/storr", dependencies=TRUE)

Because we only want to install once, we’ve set the above chunks not to evaluate once the software is installed.

download paper resources

We’ve downloaded the resources associated with the paper and unzipped them. The materials are located in folder ./baadanalysis-master/. Because the default behaviour of .Rmd is to set the working directory to the directory in which the .Rmd is located, we move the .Rmd the ./baadanalysis-master/ directory.

install missing packages


Indeed, the above command didn’t install the package so we run the following code:


make paper!

## [  LOAD ]
## [  READ ]                                           |  # loading sources
## <  MAKE > all
## [    OK ] baad_all
## [    OK ] downloads/ian-symbol-eucalyptus-spp-1.png
## [    OK ] world_mapmat
## [    OK ] baad_climate1
## [    OK ] baad_mapmat
## [    OK ] baad_climate2
## [    OK ] baad_climate3
## [    OK ] dataset
## [    OK ] basalafit
## [    OK ] table_varpart_gam_old
## [    OK ] table_varpart_gam
## [    OK ] table_varpart_lmer
## [    OK ] table_hierpart
## [    OK ] manuscript_suppinfo.tex
## [    OK ] afas
## [    OK ] msas
## [    OK ] table_samplesize
## [    OK ] manuscript.tex
## [    OK ] figures/Figure1.pdf
## [    OK ] figures/Figure2.pdf
## [    OK ] figures/Figure3.pdf
## [    OK ] figures/Figure4.pdf
## [    OK ] figures/Figure5.pdf
## [    OK ] figures/Figure6.pdf
## [    OK ] manuscript.pdf
## [    OK ] figures/FigureS1.pdf
## [    OK ] figures/FigureS2.pdf
## [    OK ] figures/FigureS3.pdf
## [    OK ] figures/FigureS4.pdf
## [    OK ] figures/FigureS5.pdf
## [    OK ] manuscript_suppinfo.pdf
## [ ----- ] all

The function recreated all the figures and a pdf of the paper. AWESOME!!

Links to the materials created: